StreetHive is a beehive designed for public spaces. Its form and construction makes it well suited for urban environments.
During 2015 we have been working closely with the company Stadskupan (Sweden) to develop a beehive suited for their needs. They have specialized in renting out hives - complete with bees and maintenance - to businesses and organizations. Being highly successful, their hives have popped up in various urban environments where bees and insects are quite a rare sight. These dense and sometimes public locations have put new demands on the design of their hives. Besides being sturdy and with the option to bolt them to the ground, they also come with a lock to protect the bees (and foolhardy passers-by). The shape and materials are chosen to fit the hive into many types of spaces, both new and old. While taking a cue from traditional hives, it also adds a simplicity in form and identity, to turn it into a well designed addition to most public spaces.
Materials: Wood, steel
© Blenda Design 2024 | Blenda Design Verkmästaregatan 22 E 417 57 Göteborg | Sweden